Sunday, May 25, 2014

Penyembuhan Tinnitus secara Holistik dan Unik "Tinnitus Miracle(TM)"

Program ini adalah unik, holistik, penyembuhan fakta Tinnitus tidak bisa mengatasi dengan hanya satu faktor Anda akan diajarkan bagaimana untuk menyembuhkan tinnitus lengkap dan pencegahan;

source: tinnitus wikipedia

Tinnitus Miracle Holistic System Naturally and Permanently

Tinnitus adalah suatu kondisi berdengung, berdering, berdesir, atau tipe lain yang tampaknya berasal dari telinga atau kepala. Tinnitus mengacu pada tidak adanya kondisi stimulus eksternal yang timbul dari perasaan yang abnormal, menyebabkan gangguan pendengaran. Tinnitus dibagi ketelinga klinis dan penyakit telinga tengah dan penyakit dari telinga luar yang menyebabkan tuli kondusif; Dari peyakit di telinga dan saraf pendengaran (lesi) menyebabkan ketulian. Menurut kondisi Tinnitus dibagi menjadi:

  • Kondisi Tinnitus subyektif, dimana kondisi kebisingan bersenandung yang ada hanya dapat didengar oleh pasien, umumnya disebabkan masalah telinga luar,, masalah saraf tengah atau dalam pendengaran (auditory), atau pada bagian otak yang menafsirkan sinyal saraf sebagai fungsi suara (jalur pendengaran). 
  • Kondisi Tinnitus objektif, Sebuah kondisi di mana suara dalam telinga dapat didengar oleh orang lain (Dokter), menyebabkan banyak pembuluh darah, kontraksi otot, dan kondisi tulang telinga bagian dalam.
Penyebab fisiologis yang tepat atau penyebab tinnitus tidak diketahui dengan pasti, namun beberapa sumber yang dapat memicu tinnitus?
  • Penyebab paparan kebisingan, paparan suara keras dapat merusak dan bahkan menghancurkan sel-sel rambut (silia) di telinga bagian dalam, jika berlangsung untuk waktu yang lama, telinga akan mengalami kerusakan permanen. 
  • Penyebab trauma kepala dan leher, trauma fisik pada kepala dan leher dapat menyebabkan tinnitus, termasuk sakit kepala, vertigo dan kehilangan memori. 
  • penyebab perubahan struktur telinga, perubahan dalam struktur telinga, terutama bagian tengah mengeras (otosklerosis), atau pertumbuhan abnormal yang menyebabkan tinnitus.
  • Penyebab penyakit, penyakit Meniere, gangguan telinga bagian dalam yang disebabkan oleh tekanan fluida abnormal; Hypo (hipertiroidisme); Penyakit Lyme; fibromyalgia; Outlet Syndrome piston, yang Tinnitus adalah gejala dari penyakit awal. 
  • Penyebab gangguan TMJ, masalah dalam temperomandibular sendi, sendi yang terletak di setiap sisi kepala dan di depan telinga, di mana tulang rahang bawah bertemu tengkorak. 
  • Penyebab neuroma akustik, tumor jinak (tidak berbahaya) berkembang pada saraf kranial yang mengontrol keseimbangan dan pendengaran. 
  • Penyebab gaya hidup, merokok, alkohol, stres dan tidak membersihkan kotoran di telinga bisa mengganggu gendang telinga. 
  • Penyebab gangguan vaskular, tekanan darah tinggi (hipertensi); aterosklerosis; tumor; Aliran darah turbulen; Malformasi kapiler. 
  • Penyebab obat, antara lain: Antibiotik (polimiksi B, eritromisin, vankomisin, neomisin), obat kanker (Mechlorethamine, vincristine), diuretik (bumetanide, asam ethacrynic, furosemide), Obat Kina, ototoxicity.
                  Sebelum pengobatan dokter akan memeriksa telinga, kepala dan leher, jenis pemeriksaan biasanya dilakukan:
                  • Audiologi, tes pendengaran, di ruang kedap suara dalam ujian Anda akan mendengar melalui earphone. 
                  • Gerakan Test, menggerakkan bola mata uji, membuka dan menutup rahang, memindahkan leher, lengan dan kaki, untuk memeriksa kelainan tulang. 
                  • Tes pencitraan (CT scan atau MRI), itu adalah ketika tes fisik belum mampu mengidentifikasi penyakit, kemudian diperiksa dalam
                      Setelah diketahui dan diidentifikasi penyebab Tinnitus, maka dokter akan melakukan tidakan, biasanya:
                      • Perlakuan fisik, membersihkan kotoran telinga; 
                      • Pengobatan dengan rekomendasi dari penggunaan alat bantu, mesin white noise, alat bantu dengar, masking perangkat; 
                      • Pemberian obat, biasanya obat yang umum: antidepresan trisiklik (amitrityline dan nortriptyline); Alprazolam (niravam, Xanax) atau jenis; 
                      • Operasi.

                            Apakah Anda pernah mengalami semua ini ...?? 

                            dan tidak berkembang bahkan semakin parah ...!

                            Di bawah ini adalah metode yang dirancang oleh Peneliti Medis, Spesialis Gizi, Konsultan Kesehatan dan Mantan penderita Tinnitus selama 14 tahun, Thomas Coleman, metode sistem holistik dan multidimensional dengan cara:
                            • Sistem Holistik Tanpa Obat 
                            • Sistem Holistik Tanpa terapi audio atau perawatan Psikiatri 
                            • Sistem Holistik Tanpa operasi 
                            • Holistic System Naturally Bekerja pada subyektif atau obyektif, intermiten tinnitus 
                            • Sistem Holistik Yang Cepat dan Aman!
                                    Sistem terobosan ini yang membuatnya unik adalah:
                                    • Program yang unik, Penyembuhan permanen, fakta bahwa 95% yang menggunakan metode konvensional tidak berhasil bahkan semakin parah, sekarang apakah Anda siap untuk menjadi kelompok 5% secara permanen sukses; 
                                    • Program ini adalah unik, holistik, penyembuhan fakta Tinnitus tidak bisa mengatasi dengan hanya satu faktor banyak faktor, Anda akan diajarkan bagaimana untuk menyembuhkan tinnitus lengkap dan pencegahan; 
                                    • Program unik ini, tanpa perawatan khusus dan perawatan, menjelaskan sebuah metode sederhana penyembuhan Tinnitus dari dalam diri kita sendiri; 
                                    • Program unik ini, hasil Aman, efektif, terencana dan final yang luar biasa, selama 7 tahun terakhir lebih dari 217.000 orang di 163 negara telah menggunakan metode ini dan permanen sembuh. 
                                    • program yang unik, sistem ini telah terbukti secara klinis untuk mengobati kasus: Tonal Tinnitus; Berdenyut tinnitus; Muscular Tinnitus, Vascular Tinnitus; External / Tengah / batin telinga tinnitus; Saraf Pathway Tinnitus; Dering, berdengung, mendesis, berbunyi, mengklik atau berdenyut suara; Tinnitus karena penyakit Meniere; Objektive atau Subyektif Tinnitus.

                                            Tinnitus Miracle Holistic System Naturally and Permanently

                                            Sistem Holistik yang Akan mengajarkan ANDA Cara Cepat dan Permanen dalam perawatan Tinnitus Anda, LANGSUNG meringankan dering Dalam Telinga Anda, Menyeimbangkan tubuh Anda dan Mencapai Tinnitus Freedom!

                                            Tinnitus Miracle Holistic System Naturally and Permanently

                                            Success Story #1: Diana Piloni

                                            Tinnitus Miracle Holistic System Naturally and Permanently-condition, causes and unique program

                                            "In less than 3 weeks the constant ringing has
                                            completely gone. I now live a normal life without the
                                            horrible ringing sounds that used to drive me crazy!"

                                            "Dear Thomas, I was at the end of my wits with the constant ear ringing that I experienced for years. On the advice of my doctor, I started taking anti-depressant drugs that only worsened my ringing to an unbearable degree. I accidentally stumbled upon your website and I have found the step by step holistic approach to be extremely helpful. In less than 3 weeks the constant ringing has completely gone. I now live a normal life without the horrible ringing sounds that used to drive me crazy. I had already recommended your guide to my cousin in Australia who also suffers from Tinnitus, and I have done so without reservation. Note that I have tried almost every method known to man prior to starting your program but to no avail. Other guides on the subject gave me no hope either.
                                            God bless you!"
                                            -- Diana Piloni, (Indiana, USA)

                                            Tinnitus Miracle Holistic System Naturally and Permanently-condition, causes and unique program

                                            uccess Story #2: Andrew D.

                                            "My Tinnitus had vanished. Gone in a matter of weeks.
                                            My hearing is also almost back to normal!"

                                            "Dear Thomas, when I was first diagnosed with Tinnitus two years ago, I was devastated and confused. My audiologist insisted that I had to deal with it and that the hearing loss that accompanied the Tinnitus was not going to vanish. I could not accept that. Having read a recommendation about your guide in an online forum, I had nothing to lose so I bought your terrific book. I can honestly say that it has been so helpful to me that I feel like crying just talking about it.My Tinnitus had vanished. Gone in a matter of weeks. My hearing is also almost back to normal. Thank you for being my guardian angel.
                                            . God bless you!"
                                            -- Andrew D. (USA)

                                            Tinnitus Miracle Holistic System Naturally and Permanently-condition, causes and unique program

                                            Success Story #3: Barbara Sheridan

                                            "Your guidance and easy to follow instructions have
                                            effectively helped me heal myself from this affliction."

                                            "Hello Thomas, Your guide helped me cope with my horrible Tinnitus like no resource has been able to do. While it involves good some work and persistence it delivers results. Real results. Your guidance and easy to follow instructions have effectively helped me heal myself from this affliction. I cannot thank you enough for all your help, Thomas. It really feels like magic."
                                            -- Barbara Sheridan (UK)

                                            Tinnitus Miracle Holistic System Naturally and Permanently-condition, causes and unique program

                                            Success Story #4: Ralf Bergman

                                            "We are now only half way through your program and
                                            my daughter has already reported that the noises have
                                            diminished dramatically."

                                            "Dear Thomas, your Tinnitus Miracle (TM) book was extremely readable clear and concise and I enjoyed reading it very much. I especially liked the objective presentation of holistic medical treatments. I would highly recommend your book to anyone who suffers from the horrible tormenting symptoms of Tinnitus and to those who live with those who suffer. I originally bought your program for my daughter who used to be so miserable, and had been constantly complaining of the sounds that were driving her crazy. We were helpless before I bought the guide, as all the treatments we tried - including herbal remedies and habituation - showed little to no results. My daughter refused to go for surgery and I am glad she was so stubborn about it. We are now only half way through your program and my daughter has already reported that the noises have diminished dramatically. We are very optimistic and we thank you for making this guide and for guiding us to freedom from this awful disease."
                                            God bless you!"
                                            -- Ralf Bergman (Sweden)

                                            Tinnitus Miracle Holistic System Naturally and Permanently-condition, causes and unique program

                                            Success Story #5: Richard Owers

                                            "Now, 5 weeks later, it's like a miracle. Tinnitus has
                                            completely vanished from my life!"

                                            "Hi Thomas, I almost gave up on finding any relief for the horrendous ringing in my ears, until I found your website. Before that I had taken an array of drugs including regular sessions with my psychiatrist but found no salvation for my agonizing problem. The sounds kept getting worse and worse especially in the mornings. As soon as I started your program I began to notice a difference. Now, 5 weeks later, it's like a miracle. Tinnitus has completely vanished from my life... I want to scream at my doctor! Your plan is so simple but it works like nothing else, and it's been over for a year now! It's absolutely miraculous... THANK YOU for restoring my sanity!"
                                            -- Richard Owers (Melbourne, Australia)

                                            Tinnitus Miracle Holistic System Naturally and Permanently-condition, causes and unique program

                                            Success Story #6: Luc Yuschak

                                            "Being a 10 year Tinnitus sufferer, I finally was able
                                            to control and gradually eliminate my Tinnitus in what
                                            seems to be nothing short of a miracle."

                                            "Dear Thomas, your program is by far the most valuable treatment for Tinnitus that I ever encountered. Being a 10 year Tinnitus sufferer, I finally was able to control and gradually eliminate my Tinnitus in what seems to be nothing short of a miracle. Your clear and easy to follow step by step plan along with your invaluable personal guidance has restored my life back to normal. My therapist and a member of the Canadian Tinnitus Association - who is also a close friend of mine - had recommended your guide and I am so glad they did. I am now able to work, sleep and function as a human being. I feel relaxed, energized and optimistic. How can I thank you? There are no words to express my gratitude.
                                            Thank you!"
                                            -- Luc Yuschak (Toronto, Canada)

                                            Tinnitus Miracle Holistic System Naturally and Permanently-condition, causes and unique program

                                            Success Story #7: Julia Parsard

                                            "The results from following your step by step
                                            instructions were phenomenal to say the least. I can
                                            honestly say that my life was back to normal within two
                                            months of following your suggestions."

                                            "Dear Thomas, I had moderate Tinnitus a year ago and wanted to learn as much as I could about the subject to prevent this nightmare from getting worse (as I read horrific stories of people who became suicidal because of this condition), I found a lot of material on the web, but soon realized I needed info of a more reliable and unbiased kind. So I bought your book "Tinnitus Miracle (TM)" and was extremely happy with my purchase. English is not my native tongue yet, but I found your book easy to read and understand. The results from following your step by step instructions were phenomenal to say the least. I can honestly say that my life was back to normal within two months of following to your suggestions. Tinnitus has disappeared from my life and I owe it all to you. May God bless you always. "
                                            Thank you!"
                                            -- Julia Parsard (Leon, France)
                                            And More.........

                                            ATTENTION! If You or Someone You Love is Suffering from Tinnitus, Then This Will Be the Most Important Letter You Will Ever Read...
                                            Tinnitus Miracle Holistic System Naturally and Permanently

                                            BONUS #1 - The Ultimate Guide To Relaxation, Value: $37 - Your FREE
                                            BONUS #2 - The Beginner's Guide To Yoga and Medition, Value $29 - Your FREE
                                            BONUS #3 - Secrets To Sleeping Soundly, Value $34.95 - Your FREE
                                            BONUS #4 - Free Lifetime Updates, Value $27 - Your FREE
                                            SUPER BONUS - FREE One-on One Counseling with Thomas Coleman For 3 Months (Only a Few Spot's Left!)

                                            Tinnitus Miracle Holistic System Naturally and Permanently

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